2008 Honda innova anf-7 12-5 F1 FUEL INJECTION
2008 Honda innova anf-7 125 f1 fuel injection great wee bike in very good condition all the plastics are inb good condition drives great smooth gear changes £17 a year to tax cheap insurance electric start plus kick aswell I only bought the bike a few weeks back from kick-start while I. Was in between cars I just didnt plan on getting a car so quickly great we comuter for wor as yo can park them almost any where its a for geared semi- auto very easy to get used to that was the first time I drove one had it. Master in no time it just had a an oil change aswell plus its Honda you cant really go wrong im throwing in my new helmet gloves Oxford heavy duty chain and lock with 2 keys front disc lock with 2 keys and a n Oxford heavy duty all. Weather large bike cover any test is welcome as long as you leave the cash as insurance iyts taxed insured and moted till may 2017